Let's Split Up

Moving to Croatia wasn’t anything that I expected, which is probably the best part about it. Though the group that was here before us was treated to daily swims in the Adriatic and the end of a warm season, we arrived only to take out our coats again and buy even more “useless after three weeks” layers of clothing at our local H&M. (Seriously, I don’t think I’d be able to keep up with the bipolar weather everywhere we’ve been without that place.) It was also probably best because, let’s face it, I’m not exactly in “swimsuit shape” right now, especially after justifying that dessert has become a necessity at every meal since I’ve been on this adventure. This week I:

·      Celebrated two remotes birthdays almost immediately after arriving. It was a Saturday night and everyone tends to go out the night we get to a city if it’s a weekend. This was no exception. The two Michaels on our trip had their birthdays, and we ended up at a hostel bar that hung a bunch of shit from the ceiling. It was dirty, grungy, and exactly what we all wanted.

Lost and found or bar ceiling?

·      Went to a beer bar where I drank beer because, hello, this is what I do.

Not an accurate pic of the beer bar, but they also had these delicious infused liquors. 

·      Went to a clerb. I’m not really a “club” person, but get me drunk and I’ll drop it lower than any Croatian in the building. This place, Central, happened to have an AWESOME concert going on. It was Calvin Harris-esque but had a LIVE BAND. It was incredible, this girl singer came on and killed it, and I’ve never seen anything so cool. Her voice was like a recording. Though, who knows, maybe it was; I was drunk. This night was one of my favorites though, and for good reason.

The light show was also amazeballs.

·      Stayed in town even though a bunch of remotes went on this welcome event tour thing. I wasn’t interested; it was a bus situation and just took people to places I could easily get to on my own. Plus, it was 6 hours long...so instead I slept in a little and then headed to brunch with two others who stayed behind (Mai and Hilary) and chatted there for a while before exploring the Old Town on foot. It was pretty dead to say the least; Sundays usually are. (until they’re not because of Christmas) It was nice and not crowded and I really enjoyed it, especially after a travel day. Also, really good bacon. Mmm…

·      Saw my first (and definitely not last) Split sunset from my apartment window. I lived near the city but had a great view from the 7th floor. I ended up working from home a lot this month and it was always nice to look out on. Not so nice? The fact that it was at 4:30 PM everyday. So. Early.

·      Took my first (and again, not last) bike ride thanks to the awesome free bikes we had access to with our coworking space. It was always such a nice break when I DID work from the workspace, and it gave me the opportunity to exercise without having to pay for a gym. Cha ching.

·      Went to the mall. Bought things from H&M. Ate hot and sour soup in a mall. I regret nothing.

Hot. Sour. Horrible adjectives for milk, great ones for soup. 

·      Started working on a project for one of the Mikes marketing agency over in London. We got a remote year team that had done similar things and all hopped on it together; it kind of made me miss advertising. I really miss the ideation and fun that goes into creating a concept. Le sigh. BUT it was fun and a lot of work and that was great.

·      Celebrated 100 days of Remote Year! 100 days into this 365 day adventure. We got cake in the shape of a 100 and played games that revolved around 100 and the cake was really good and this is why I have to workout while abroad.

·      Didn’t pay attention to the election. It was actually the same night as the 100 day party, but it was just so damn much to take in. I wasn’t about to stay up until 6 am only to find out results that I didn’t want to care about at that place and time. Yes, I did vote (whether it got there or not from Bulgaria…that was a weird day) and obviously I have some opinions, but I’ve never liked politics. I’ve never been one to bring them up. And I’ve certainly never been one to share views or talk about them because, I don’t know, there are more important things going on in the world to talk about. Like the mannequin challenge and why The Chainsmokers continually get worse and worse. Anyway. I went to sleep and the election happened and I woke up and this was outside of my window and I was living in Croatia so I couldn’t really complain.


Writing these posts so long after they happened (because I’m terrible and now so behind but I’m DETERMINED to keep up this weekly thing) is actually pretty refreshing. It forces me to go back and think about everything again, which is insane because I’m now in a different city living this totally different life and oh yeah I forgot about that day where I went to that bar where there were bras and panties hanging from the ceiling. Typical memories. Obvi.

Coming up: more recaps because yes I’m behind and my witty posts will have to wait until I get all this down on digital paper.


Professional writer, designer, and do-it-aller. Remote Year citizen/alum. Currently living in San Francisco and probably trying to avoid the terrifying amounts of pigeons.